Callio - Wise up campaign
Caillio – Wise Up
After carrying out significant research, the Welsh Government is placing strong emphasis on improving attendance levels in all schools.
The research carried out clearly shows that the more regularly a child attends school, the more they will learn and achieve. The Welsh Government challenges all pupils to attend for at least 97% of the school year. This would mean that they have no more than 6 days off from school each year.
At Abercarn Primary we are committed to providing your child with the best possible education and ensuring they achieve to the best of their ability. Please support us with this by making sure your child attends school on time and every day.
We now use the Welsh Government’s ‘Callio’ attendance tool. We are monitoring attendance very closely and will write to you every term advising you of your child’s % attendance for that term. You will receive either a Green, Amber or Red letter. This reflects the actual number of days your child has been in school. We appreciate that there may be reasons behind low attendance such as authorised holidays or authorised medical appointments which will be taken into account. If you receive an Amber or Red letter, you will need to meet with the school in order to plan how to improve attendance.
Please see the table below for the Green, Amber and Red bandings and what this means in terms of days off school.
Each week we will publish attendance figures for each year group and the year group with the highest attendance record for the week will be rewarded.
If you have any questions regarding the Callio initiative or any concerns regarding your child’s attendance please do not hesitate to contact Mr Roden, Mrs Eynon, Mrs Griffiths at school, who will be pleased to offer support and advice.