Free breakfast clubs have been introduced in schools in Caerphilly to provide children with a healthy start to the school day, helping to improve the health and concentration of children and so raise the standards of learning and attainment.

The Welsh Government made a commitment to provide a free breakfast for all children of primary school age registered in maintained primary schools in Wales.

At Abercarn Primary, we are pleased to run a breakfast club which is available to all pupils.

If you wish for your child to attend our Breakfast Club, please complete the Breakfast Club Application Form Please allow 24 hours during school time for any forms to be processed before your child can begin attending.


Breakfast club begins at 8:10am. Pupils attending should enter the school through the school hall door (no later than 8:30am).

For breakfast, children receive…

a bowl of cereala bowl of cereal
a piece of toasta piece of toast
a piece of fruita piece of fruit
a drink of juicea drink of juice

When children have finished eating, they can play with the games and activities which are provided. At the end of breakfast club, pupils will be escorted to their classrooms in time for registration.

Whilst at Breakfast Club, the children will be supervised by school staff. For their own safety, children will not be able to go back out onto the school yard after they have come into Breakfast Club.

If your child has any allergies, please inform the member of staff upon arrival.

The school provides a breakfast club to ensure that all pupils have a healthy breakfast each morning; it is not a childcare service. Children who attend breakfast club but don’t need breakfast (because they’ve already eaten breakfast at home) may be asked to give up their space for other pupils who do need breakfast.

Breakfast Club Welsh Gov Leaflet

Last modified: Saturday, 25 July 2020, 9:10 PM