Hand Writing
Hand Writting
At Abercarn Primary School, we aim for our children to leave in Year 6 with the ability to write using their own style of fast, fluent, legible and sustainable handwriting, as well as other styles of writing for specific purposes. In addition to teaching handwriting during our regular handwriting lessons, we have high expectations that what is taught and practised in handwriting lessons will be used in all writing activities. We believe that handwriting is integral to a child’s personal development and know that children’s engagement and self-esteem can be improved by their satisfaction and pride in good quality presentation.
Stages of Development – Pen/Pencil Grip

What We Expect
Pick up small objects with finger and thumb and start to hold writing implements appropriately, using pincer grip.
Demonstrate an understanding of the directionality of written print.
Identify letter sounds through exploration of their shape using tactile letter forms and multi-sensory play activities
Hold writing instruments appropriately
Write from left to right.
Discriminate between letters.
Distinguish between upper-and lower-case letters.
Use correct initial consonant by beginning to apply phonic knowledge.
Use familiar and high-frequency words in writing.
Form upper and lower-case letters that are usually clearly shaped and correctly orientated.
Use capital letters and full stops with some degree of consistency.
Form upper- and lower-case letters accurately and with consistent size.
Use capital letters, full stops and question marks accurately and sometimes use exclamation marks.
Produce legible handwriting and present work appropriately joining letters in some words.
Produce handwriting which is clear and legible and may be cursive.
Produce legible, cursive handwriting with increasing fluency.
Produce fluent and legible handwriting.