Leave of absence/holiday

Parents and carers do not have the automatic right to withdraw their children from school for an annual holiday and will be reminded of the effect that absence can have on a pupil’s potential achievement.

The school will consider any application for leave of absence and will only agree to authorise the absence in exceptional circumstances where attendance is >95%; parents and carers must apply in advance for permission for their child to have leave of absence.

Examples of exceptional circumstances include:

  • Parent working abroad for a fixed, medium term period;
  • Family are returning to country of origin;
  • Parent returning from active tour of duty.                                         

Parents and carers are advised that a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) may be issued by the LA when permission for a holiday or leave of absence has not been authorised by the school and exceeds 10 sessions. The Local Authorities Local Code of Conduct has more information on this.

Submit a leave of absence/holiday

Last modified: Tuesday, 28 July 2020, 5:35 PM