Good to be Green
Good to be Green Behaviour Scheme
We implement the “Good to be Green” code at Abercarn Primary School. It is expected that children follow three simple codes:
The Good to Be Green Code
Be Ready
Be Respectful
Be Safe
Our aim is always to change disruptive behaviour in a positive way, e.g catch them being good, praise other children to highlight expected behaviour, friendly reminders, moving children to a space where they would be more focused, asking them to be a “helper”, etc.
The wall chart will be in a prominent position so any adult entering the room can praise the children on green. Foundation Phase children have a wall sticker chart rather than an individual card (KS2 pupils)
The Cards
Every child has 3 cards behind their name which are used alongside positive reinforcement of the ‘Good to Be Green Code’.
Green Card
The majority of children will have a green card displayed by their name. This is because they have been following the code consistently. It is important to reinforce the good behaviour of these children, reward them with pupil reward points, stickers, privileges and notes home.
Yellow Card
- Occasionally children will need a reminder of behaviour expectations / Behaviour Code in school.
- A verbal warning will be given: “You need to think about your behaviour and make different choices”. If a warning is given the phrase “Our rules, your behaviour, you’re better than that” should be said.
- If an adult says the phrase twice – that equates to two warnings
- If a child receives two warnings, they will be asked to sit closer to the adult and will be asked to reflect on the choices made and improve their behaviour. A timer may be used.
- Before returning to their desk, the teacher will have a brief discussion with the child to ensure the child has strategies to make the right choices.
- However, if the disruptive behaviour continues despite the warning and reflection time, the child will receive a yellow warning card.
- A yellow card is a visual WARNING where the staff member who dealt with the incident explains to the child that they need to change their behaviour and earn their way back to green. Examples of how they can earn their way back to green will be discussed with the child.
- A yellow card means the child will miss 5-10mins of their playtime (not all of the break) to reflect on the expected behaviour for learning at our school. This will involve spending time with the designated break time adult. The child will also move within class to complete their work.
Red Card
- If a child continues not to follow the code, they will be requested to change their card to red and to leave the classroom for a morning or afternoon session to complete tasks.
Foundation Phase children will go to Mrs Parry
Junior Children will go to Mrs Tavas
- Restorative justice discussion must take place with the designated supervisor at break time.
- There will be rare occasions where a child’s behaviour will take them straight to red e.g. physical fighting and verbal abuse.
- Once a child receives a red card they will miss their entire playtime and lose privileges for a set period of time (This may include losing playtimes for a set period , 15 plays including lunchtimes).
- Children will discuss their actions with the designated break time supervisor who will support the child to find a positive solution. The Headteacher should be notified and record the incident. The Headteacher will also encourage the child to make the right choices.
- If a child is on a red card, they will spend their time with the designated supervisor at break times. Missing playtimes will always be supervised.
- Class teachers must inform parents that a red card has been issued and consequences given.
- The child will need to earn their way back to green moving through yellow and then to green. This will be discussed at break time supervision.
- If a child receives a red card more than once in a half term period, parents will be asked to attend school, meet with the class teacher and/or Headteacher and discuss strategies for improving behaviour, further consequences and next steps.
Rewarding Good Behaviour
We want to recognise the majority of children who are consistently following the ‘Good to Be Green Code’. There are lots of ways in which this will happen:
- Pupil reward points
- Verbal Praise and encouragement
- Notes / Postcards home
- House Points
- Stickers for their personal sticker card / A2 chart in Foundation Phase. The card is their own responsibility (if lost a new empty card given). A full sticker card will be rewarded with privilege time.
- Good to be Green Prizes at discretion of class teacher.
- Privileges - Every teacher has, with their class, decided on a set of privileges for those children who demonstrate exceptional behaviour. Privileges can range from 15 minutes on the laptop to 20 minutes doing a messy activity etc
- Headteacher notes home / certificates - Every time children are sent to the Headteacher they are given a sticker / note to take home to share with their parents.
What will happen at Lunchtimes?
- Lunchtime supervisors are encouraged to reward good behaviour by allocating pupil reward points.
- Lunchtime supervisors use incident / behaviour sheets - for misbehaving midday supervisors will give the children a verbal warning “You need to think about your behaviour and make different choices” before writing their name on the sheet.
- Children to be reminded that if their name appears on the behaviour sheet they will have a yellow warning card on their return to class. It is the responsibility of the midday supervisor to inform class teacher.
- Should a child appear on the behaviour sheet a yellow card will be given and children will need to earn their way back to green during the afternoon. This will be recorded on the lunchtime sheets.
- Regular misbehaviour at lunch will involve a lunchtime consequence.
- For severe misbehaviour at lunchtime, children will be sent to the designated supervisor and this will be discussed at staff meetings so all staff are aware.
- Red cards at lunchtime can only be issued by the designated supervisor.
Break times
- Incidents at break time should be wherever possible be dealt with by the teacher on duty. Squabbles / arguments must be settled at the time.
- Misbehaving at break time should be dealt with on the yard and appropriate warnings provided as in the class situation.
- If children are warned and behaviour does not improve a consequence card can be given and the class teacher informed by the teacher on duty.
- For serious breaches of behaviour, a red card can be issued and the appropriate consequences issued for red card behaviour (as above).