Your child will be assessed throughout their school life in all aspects of his/her development, personal and social as well as academic.
The first assessments that we carry out are Foundation Phase Profiles (FPP). The main purpose of the Foundation Phase child development assessment profile is to assess children within six weeks of their entry to the Foundation Phase in order to provide a ‘baseline’ assessment. The assessment will be a description of the whole child using six developmental areas that make up the profile. The outcomes of these assessments are shared with parents at the first consultations held in the Autumn term or at a parents consultation following the assessment after entry into school (Rising 3’s). A written report will also be distributed to each parent. The Profile will be used to gather evidence of your child’s progress throughout the Foundation Phase and will inform how your child is making progress towards the Foundation Phase Outcomes.
Following on from FPP, class teachers make assessments during normal teaching situations, where a variety of evidence is gathered about your child’s progress and achievements in specific areas of learning. The purpose of the assessment is to monitor progress, assess what your child has learned and plan the next stage in his/her learning. Pupils are assessed at the end of Foundation Phase (Year 2) and Key Stage 2 (Year 6) and levels of attainment awarded in English, Mathematics and Science. These levels are reported to parents, the Local Authority and Welsh Government. The school also uses a school tracker, to collect, assess and moderate individual children’s work across the curriculum, throughout all year groups.
The school also uses NFER tests in all year groups, All Wales Reading Test from Year 1 to Year 6 and Cognitive Ability Tests in Year 5. The results of these tests are for school purposes only and used as a guide to progress made.