School Uniform
We encourage pupils at Abercarn Primary to wear their uniform with pride as it demonstrates that they are part of the school community. We have high expectations from our pupils with regards to school uniform and appearance, and strongly believe that our high standards promote positive behaviour, equality, supports effective teaching and learning and contributes to the ethos of the school. Our uniform policy allows a pupil to wear uniform that reflects their gender identity and accommodates religious needs.
Male School Uniform
We encourage all our children to wear their school uniform smartly. All items of uniform must be labelled with your child’s name. It consists of the following:
- Maroon sweatshirt with/without school logo
- Light Blue polo shirt with/without school logo
- Grey/Black trousers
- Sensible, black shoes

Female School Uniform
We encourage all our children to wear their school uniform smartly. All items of uniform must be labelled with your child’s name. It consists of the following:
- Maroon sweatshirt/cardigan with/without school logo
- Light Blue polo shirt with/without school logo
- Grey trousers/skirt
- Sensible, black flat shoes (high heels not permitted)

PE Kit: Gymnastics & Dance
We require that our pupils change for PE activities. They need an appropriately labelled PE kit consisting of the following:
- Girls: Plain T shirt / polo shirt and shorts
- Boys: Plain T shirt / polo shirt and shorts
All work in the hall will be carried out in bare feet / daps except where parents request otherwise, perhaps because of a foot infection. Should this be the case, trainers should be worn.
PE Kit: Games & Skills
We require that our pupils change for PE activities. They need an appropriately labelled PE kit consisting of the following:
Boys and girls:
- Plain T shirt / polo shirt and shorts
- Plain Tracksuits for cold days
- Trainers / football boots, where appropriate
There are a wide range of sports activities undertaken during the year where children represent the school. These include: Swimming, Football and Athletics. Any child taking part represents the school and this is recognised as a privilege and an achievement. It also fosters team spirit and the development of skills. We aim to give children of all abilities the opportunity to participate in competitive events.
Swimming Kit
Children in years 4 have swimming lessons at Newbridge Leisure Centre. Please ensure your child has their swimming kit in school when needed!
- Swimming costume (no bikinis or tankinis)
- Swimming trunks; short-like trunks are best (we discourage long swimming trunks as they impede pupils' ability to swim well)
- Bath-size towel
- Suitable coat (light raincoat in summer)
If your child does not have the right swimming kit, it may be that they miss swimming if parents cannot bring it in.
All children participate, as this is a requirement of the National Curriculum. They will be excused for medical reasons only, in which case a letter must be sent into school.
Where to get our uniform:
All school uniform is available from
Victoria Terrace,
NP11 4ET
Darren Morgan Sports
26 High St
NP11 7FN
and can be purchased form any other retailer. Branded/Logo uniform is not a requirement
Fortunately, it is rare that a child arrives at school wearing make-up. When this does occur, it is generally nail varnish that hasn’t been removed from the weekend. Please be reminded that no make-up may be worn.
If your child is wearing make-up, including nail varnish, they will be sent to the school office where they will be given the means to remove it.
We understand that pierced ears need earrings to avoid the holes closing up. So, to this end, children are allowed to wear plain stud earrings. They should not wear earrings if they are unable to remove them themselves for PE.
- Wristwatches may be worn in the Junior School at the child’s own risk, but children need to be able to remove and replace independently. Watches which have cameras and microphones are not permitted.